Music has always been at the core of Chelsie’s identity and her spiritual practice. She learned how to read by watching sing-alongs as a kid, had lyrics all over her walls as a teen, and creates a playlist for every emotion as an adult. Music has the power evoke emotions and start conversations. Music heals.

  • Sound of Your Soul

    Release stagnant energy and activate creative confidence through our one-of-a-kind vocal + reiki meditation experience. This workshop combines Kayla Green’s signature Karaoke to Catharsis with Chelsie’s powerful distance reiki healings. We promise you’ve never worked with the chakras like this before.

  • Music Heals with Chelsie and Kayla

    In their YouTube series, Chelsie and Kayla are normalizing vulnerable conversations through music. Each brings a song for the other to react to and then talk about what the song meant to them. Kayla could be a Broadway singer and Chelsie’s a Swiftie/elder emo. Join in on the conversation!

  • Guided Journals

    These journals are made with the music lover in mind. Shufflemancy will teach you how to use your playlists as your oracle. The Concert List is the perfect journal to keep track of the live shows you’re seeing. While you’re there, check out Chelsie’s collection of guided and blank journals!